Thursday, May 3, 2012

So You Are reasoning About Having Gastric Bypass surgery

B12 Weight Loss - So You Are reasoning About Having Gastric Bypass surgery
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Do you know about - So You Are reasoning About Having Gastric Bypass surgery

B12 Weight Loss! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

So, you are reasoning about having gastric bypass surgery. It is a very big decision and should only be decided on with much opinion because it will effect the rest of your life. Let me tell you about my gastric bypass experience.

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How is So You Are reasoning About Having Gastric Bypass surgery

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from B12 Weight Loss.

I had opinion for many years about having the surgery. When I had gotten married and started taking birth control pills my weight had skyrocketed and it never seemed to stop. I could lose a few pounds here and there but I could never keep it off. Too make matters worse, I would regularly gain a few extra pounds when I gained the lost weight back. It was a nightmare. I tried exercising, taking all kind of diet pills... Whatever that was on the shop for weight loss I tried it.

Then I had 2 friends who had the surgery. Neither of them had any problems from the surgical operation but the outcomes were very different. One lost hardly any weight and the other lost all her weight, and has still kept if off. This let me know the surgical operation was no magic act...there was still a lot of work to do to make the surgical operation a success. Still I pondered, should I or shouldn't I?

When I spoke to my physician about having the surgical operation she was all for it. For years she had watched my weight yoyo, only to keep going up in the end. The first thing she told me was not to go to "Dr. X". Now this put a glitch in things because "Dr. X" was the only physician in town that was doing the surgery. She also said that there was an additional one physician arrival to town that was very good but it would be about a year before he would make it. So for an additional one year I pondered... And pondered.

Finally the new physician arrived, and after much soul searching I called his office and made an appointment. I was very nervous. Was he unmistakably a good doctor? Would I make it through the surgical operation okay? (I did know a woman who died from the surgical operation many years ago and that was never far from my thoughts.) Would I have complications from the surgery? All these unknowns... But I decided to speculation out into the unknown! I had the surgery.

I had the surgical operation in June of 2007. The surgical operation itself was a zephyr for me! I had no pain at all! I was out of the hospital a day earlier than thinkable, and life was good! The only problem I had was getting use to eating only a thimble sized whole of food. Lol... I must admit that was a bit hard to get used to. The unmistakably great thing was that I wasn't hungry anyway. It didn't matter if I only had a thimble of food to eat because I didn't want it. To this day I still do not get hungry. I love that!

It is now a year and a half later and I still have had no problems at all. I can eat Whatever I want, just not very much of it, and I have had no corporeal problems. The best part is that I have lost 125 lbs! I went from a size 22/24 to a size 6! I cant remember when I wore a size 6 before. I was probably about 6 years

While the surgical operation has been a success for me, I know people that have had had complications, so don't make the decision quickly. Put a lot of opinion into it.

Here are some tips I have when it comes to having the surgical operation or not:

1. Don't be in a rush to make the decision. Think all sides out, talk with people who have had the surgery, and talk to your doctor. Talk to your house and see how they feel, but remember the decision will finally be yours.

2. If you resolve to have the surgical operation check the ready doctors out very carefully. Be willing to trip a bit if need be to get a unmistakably good doctor.

3. Make sure that you have a caregiver to help you when you come home after surgery. If you dont have any problems, which you probably wont, they will mainly be checking to make sure that you are drinking all your water. (You will have to drink lots of water... Believe me, lots!)

4. Do everything your physician tells you, both before surgical operation and after. Before the surgical operation you will have to take a lot of tests and after surgical operation you will have to take vitamins, iron, calcium, B12 and drink protein drinks. (My friend who didn't lose a lot of weight didn't do what her physician said and the outcome was not so good.)

5. Be prepared to make life changes. Your life will not revolve around food anymore so you will have to find things to fill that void. Get new hobbies. Get out and walk. The main thing is to get out and

6. And one of the best things, be prepared to get new clothes! My size 22/24 wont even begin to stay on me now. A lot of the doctors who do this surgical operation offer clothes swaps. You can bring your clothes that are too large and switch them out for smaller.

I hope this has helped you a bit in your decision whether to have surgical operation or not. Like I said, mine was a success and I have had no problems... But I do know people who had the surgical operation at the same time I did and 6 months later they still were having problems eating. Gastric bypass is not a quick fix so take your time in choosing what is right for you.

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